Berlin ASA 1965-1968
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Getting out of Berlin was great, whether it be on a three-day pass, courier duty, or leave. It was akin to a breath of fresh air once outside the city limits. Most people had to take the military train, which carried you through through the east sector and cities of Potsdamn and Helmstedt to its final destination, Frankfurt am Main. Only a few privileged, and daring enough, drove the Autobahn trying to keep up with those crazy European drivers hitting speeds of 100 m.p.h. plus!


Andrews Barracks, 1965, photo taken from my first room looking out over the
football, soccer, and softball field. In the winter it was a cold ass walk to get
to the mess hall, which was in the building across the field. I believe that
building was called Company A, which housed our S-2, some more barracks
area, break room, and on the left side the Special Forces grunts and elite team
of snipers and super spooks.


Arriving in Frankfurt at 0730 on
courier duty twice a week was
always a treat after a restless
night of no sleep on the train.
An ASA linguist always went along,
and some great times were had with
some of them, except George G.
Story later.

IG Farben

The IG Farben building in Frankfurt was USASA/AIS (United States Army Security Agency, Army Intelligence & Security) headquarters. All the material brought from Berlin was dropped off here and more material was picked up that same evening for the train ride back.


After dropping off the confidential and top secret material I usually walked up this street to the mess hall for breakfast and across the street to the ASA barracks for a little sleep, except when George G. made the trip with me one time. George's story is too long for this web site. Maybe I'll relate it to Bruce for the FSBVG anecdotes.



I never could understand why the Frankfurt Opera House leaned to the left, or backward. I always thought of Frankfurters and the arts as straight up people, and extremely right wing. I guess that's why I am not a politician, thank God.



Frankfurt, Germany reminded me of my hometown,
Louisville, Kentucky. It always got what it needed
ten years ago five years too late. The underground
railway construction took 6-7 years to complete,
and by the time it was completed it was already out
of date. Louisville's sister city is Mainz, Germany.



European cities were full of small cars, mainly because most of the
inhabitants refused to buy gas guzzlers, pollute the air, and spend
needless money on three and four-ton pieces of machinery for the sole
purpose of show and comfort. This small Messerschmitt may have gone a
little too far in the compact car department. What do you think? It got
78 miles per gallon, but I would be afraid someone would step on me.

I did not spend a lot of waking daylight hours in Frankfurt due to the courier schedule, and most of my photos were the touristy type crap anyway, so I won't bore you with any more of those. The main purpose was to get out of Berlin, to Frankfurt, on to Berchtesgaden in the fall, and later in the winter for ski time. Please go to next page.

Photo Page Neun